I take the idea of finding your own corner of writing space to the point...of a corner that is. It doesn't take a 'special spot' to sit down and write. I'm a firm believer in writing whenever - wherever you can, but with that being said, finding your personal 'sweet spot' can certainly enhance the experience. I've found over the years that for me, nothing beats a nice … [Read more...]
Penpals and Writing Letters by the Number
If you are lucky enough to find yourself in a Long Term Penpal Relationship with someone, then you already know how quickly the outgoing and incoming letters can accumulate. After many years of sending out letters into the world, I realized I wanted a tracking system. A personal record of my activities that I could refer to when the mood strikes and as a way of monitoring … [Read more...]
Writing Tools: A Pen Holder for your Moleskine
When you do something A LOT, like writing in a journal or penning letters, you look for the things that not only enhance your experience, but also simplify your process. Ok, so a pen holder may seem like a small detail in the writing experience, but if you find yourself constantly searching for your favorite pen, or losing pens...a pen holder starts to feel more and more … [Read more...]
Patron Notes: The Penpal Way…
A Great Penpal will... Welcome your Thoughts Cherish your Words Accept your Truths Protect your Secrets Safeguard your Memories and in return... You will do the Same For Them … [Read more...]
Writing Letters: Be Your Child’s Memory Keeper
A long time ago I realized that daily moments with my daughters... the little things like mini-milestones or special moments that brought joy to my day, were getting 'lost' in the day to day of life. The fact of the matter was this: Great moments turn into memories and if you don't take the time to capture them properly, they can (and will) disappear with time. Also Known As -- … [Read more...]