Writing a Thank You Card: Any Type Will Do

~This Thank You set is $5.95~

Meandering around the Google landscape seeking those and that, which circle around writing, letters, stationery and journals, I've noticed a general 'question' out there. It goes a bit like this, "how to write a thank you note" or "should I write a thank you note" or even..."can I just email a thank you?" ....so today I thought I'd throw in my 44 cent stamp on the question as … [Read more...]

Dear PenPal: Lessons in Letter Writing

penpals, penpal, writing letters

The first penpal I ever had was a colossal disappointment. I don't know how old I was when I first desired a 'penpal' but I know I was a youngster. Since my Mother had forbidden me from writing the State Inmates who advertised in the classified ads, I was desperate to write someone...anyone...So when my teacher announced to the class that we were getting penpals from another … [Read more...]

Dear Diary Dates: Lessons in Journal Writing

~Always Date anything Handwritten~

Looking back over my writing life, I can see stages where my personal evolution of style, purpose and attention in all things I've wrote shifted. I hesitate to claim the simple act of aging has been the stepping stone to my writing maturity because I've come across people far younger than myself who already contain the wisdom I wish I had so many years ago. When I observe my … [Read more...]