It may not be elegant.
It may not be expensive.
But I’ve found my favorite pen to grab when writing in my journals or penning a letter to a good friend, is a Sharpie.
More Specifically: The Sharpie Grip Stick Fine Point Pen.
Expensive and elegant pens around the world just groaned and maybe even eye rolled at my claim.
I’ve yet to find a piece of paper that didn’t take the Sharpie ink perfectly. Handmade papers absorb the ink to perfection. The ink doesn’t bleed or feather out.
Unlike the older versions of a Sharpie pen, this version doesn’t bleed through paper and leave the backside an inverted imprint of your front page musings. In other words, the ink stays on the side your wrote on and you would be free to write on the backside of the paper if you so choose.
Only on the slickest, most glossy papers have I seen a slight smudge of the ink if my hand touches across the ink in the first 20 seconds it’s applied.
The pen is comfortable in hand and it allows for my best hand writing to come out in it’s fluid pull across any paper I’ve put to test.
And to be honest, I really appreciate the fact these pens cost around $3 dollars individually and I can afford to buy many, stash them in my purse, on my desk, on my nightstand, in my car and if I lose one….that’s perfectly ok in my book.
Take a Look: Sharpie Grip Stick Fine Point Pen, 3 Colored Ink Pens $6.29
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