Writing a Personal Journal: Keep It Private


If I had a choice in the matter, I'd rig all of my journals to blind anyone who dared open them without permission by a light more blazing than the sun. I think one of the struggles everyone who journals on a personal level encounters is the possibility of someone, whether stranger or close, could read their inner most thoughts. I know it's always been a real concern of … [Read more...]

Writing a Personal Journal: Keep it Honest

Old book with feather and inkpot

When you sit down to write your next journal entry, picture this... In 10 years from now, your older self opens your current journal to revisit the past and reads about what it was like in their life during the summer of 2012. That older version of you will want to know what they were thinking, doing, feeling and experiencing in 2012, so it's up to the current you to be … [Read more...]