At this point in time, I don't believe I could own a smaller, high quality leather journal. Again, meandering around Etsy I stumbled upon this itty bitty charmer. I have alot of journals, shelves and shelves of them, but what I didn't have before coming across this corner of Etsy was a teenie tiny one. Of course I had to have it for my collection. The little journal is hand … [Read more...]
Moleskine Journals: A Historical Mainstay
There is something to be said about old and reliable. Tested and accepted. Tried and true. Moleskine is one of those pieces in the writing world that can't be forgotten, downplayed or underestimated. The way I see it, a Moleskine journal is a bit like having flour in your kitchen. A mainstay, a staple, a dependable fall back to catch random or purposeful words, scribbles, … [Read more...]
Leather Journals with Amalfi Paper, Pure Beauty
From the moment I discovered the pure joy of Amalfi paper, I coveted a journal made with it's exquisite pages. The first time I googled and discovered one, my jaw dropped and I started saving pennies....The price of these journals aren't for the faint of heart, but the smell, the touch, the way the paper accepts a pen are certainly worth the covet and price of admission. I … [Read more...]